Saturday, September 1, 2007

A giggle from the past...

When I was filing some stuff away today I came across the two Mother's Day projects Luke did last year for school. We had such a laugh, we thought we'd share them.
The first is a book with different colored pages. My Mother Is...
a doctor (complete with a boy getting a bandage)
a clock (Mommy saying "Lunch time!")
a teacher (Mommy saying "The moon is round")
a cleaner (Mommy holding a sock)
a mysterious person (Boy asking "where are we going?" Mom answering "It's a surprise!"

The next is a poem
My Mother by Luke
My mother is as pretty as a swan! She likes it when I behave. She doesn't like it when I don't behave! My mother is 32 years old and she wears a size 23 shoe! My mother's favorite food is brownies. YUM,YUM!! My mother doesn't like to play. My mother's favorite thing to do ALL BY HERSELF is to sleep. My mother likes to sleep with me. I love my mother because she is the best! My mother is special to me because I'm almost as tall as her!

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