Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ladies and Gentleman......The Greatest Show on Earth......

If you ever wanted to see the Greatest show on Earth....I'll give you a hint,
Its not really the Ringling Bros, No it's the Hoffman Family. Try keeping 4 boys tame enough 
to experience the circus with no snacks, goodies, or over-priced circus items.
All in all the boys were good, and we had a fun night. Not bad for a total of $25.
The Elephants were Sam's favorite.
Karsten clapping for the clowns
The whole family enjoying the show
Luke on the motorcycle next to the guy who rides it in the Dome of Death 
Sammy Pre-show. If you follow the wire you will see the acrobat
Luke dressing up in a Ringleader coat.

1 comment:

Kim said...

That does sound like quite a circus. How fun that you took the boys to see it and even better everyone survived.