Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Museum

Luke and Grant have been playing in the empty lot next to our house since we moved here. They and their friends have collected wood, scrap lumber and rocks from the "forrest" and built what they call the "museum" right next to our driveway. We started with 4 connected empty lots and the boys had trails running through the trees and bushes where all types of adventures occur. It's great fun to get the boys away from the computer and TV and watch them exploring, building and organizing & bulldozing. They will work out there for hours and I can sit in the garage and sip a beer (assuming it's 12:00 o'clock...somewhere!) and watch them. A few days ago the bulldozers showed up and leveled the 2 farthest lots so we think that the museum's days are numbered. Maybe some nice kids will move in next door.

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