Monday, June 9, 2008

Lots of blogging to catch up on...

Well I realized that I have neglected the blog a lot lately. We just got busy I guess! It feels like things have been going nonstop since we got home from CA. I have a friend who does a top 10 list every week about what her kids are doing and so I thought I *might* try that.

1. The boys are out of school ie, all hell has broke lose at the Hoffman house. Luke and Grant did an awesome job in school this year, both making straight A's and Luke having perfect attendance. Grant had an end of school program that was really nice. I'll have to post pics soon.
2. All the boys have been sick. Some horrible icky virus that caused a really high fever and a nasty cough. So the first week of summer vacation was spent inside.
3. Sammy had his first visit to the ER this week. See previous entry for reason. He was so miserable, it was horrible. Joe took him in and one of my friend's child was at the ER at the same time. Poor girl had shoved a lego up her nose! Sammy would constantly tell us " I feel better now!" even though it was obvious he really didn't. Poor guy!
4. Sammy loves having the boys home now. But he is still very opinionated and wants things his way! Today he was so disappointed that we didn't go to a playground that he tried with all his might to stay in the van. And even after getting the door shut he tried his hardest to get back in. I guess a trip to the coffeeshop, Daddy's office and the library just wasn't enough for him. The good news with Sammy is you can put him in a time out and he comes out good as new ready to be friends again.
5. Karsten is cruising everywhere. He will occasionally take a step by himself, but for the most part he is "chicken" and wants something to hold onto. He also realized climbing involves holding on to something, so we are catching him climbing on everything. He also loves to run his hand on the table and counters to see what kind of goodies the older boys have left up there for him.
6. Luke and Grant started their first Vacation Bible School for this summer last night. I think at this point we have them registered for between 6-8. Gotta love VBS!
7. Karsten really doesn't say much, but he loves to pucker his lips up and say "oohh, uhhh" a lot. He is finally really smiling, and not just going for the open mouth shocked smile anymore.
8. L&G are still building a house in the forest. Someone cleared the lot (prob. to bulldoze) and everything they built up was gone. They cried for awhile and then started right back up. I know they will be devastated when they begin building a house there.
9. All four of us ventured out today. We started off meeting other moms at a coffee shop and then went to visit daddy's office. The boys thought that was really neat. We took him coffee and told him it was for "Happy Fathers Day week". We ended up at the library which was an experience all its own. It was prob. last summer since I took all 4. L&G were really into getting books, I was trying to push K in the stroller and Sam kept climbing the shelves. I couldn't keep him off of them. I'm sure we were a sight to see!
10.Luke has BIG plans for his birthday party. Where we will do it and who will come. I guess Mommy needs to get to work!

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