Sunday, June 29, 2008

Webster the Turtle

The other day I was mowing the lawn and I looked down and thought I saw a rock or something that I had just mowed over. It was a turtle. Poor guy (or girl) must have been really scared. So I put him in a box for the boys to see when they came home from VBS. Of course they loved him and wanted to keep him. We named him Webster for his webbed feet. We Googled him and discovered that he was an "ornate box turtle". They live to be over 100 years old. Later that night after the boys went to sleep he "escaped" and went back to the wild, oka, our lawn.
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1 comment:

Kim said...

I haven't checked in on your for a while, but it looks like life is good. I always thought a turtle would be a fun pet too bad it escaped. I was reading down on the blog and saw the Jon and Kate plus 8 entry I was totally laughing, because I watch that show and think she is way to organized and her kids are way to good considering how many they have, but I really like the show. Three is keeping me on my toes.